4 Time Management Tips For Entrepreneurs

4 Time Management Tips For Entrepreneurs

February 19, 2021

What are some time management tips for entrepreneurs?

  1. Stick to a daily schedule
  2. Break bigger tasks into chunks
  3. Utilize the Prioritization and Delegation Matrix
  4. Learn from your mistakes


Time management as an entrepreneur can be tricky. The unplanned calls and requests for meetings can drain your energy and ruin your schedule. How would an experienced businessman handle this problem? Follow these 4 tips to help you value this precious asset.

Stick To A Daily Schedule

Stick To A Daily Schedule

Unfortunately, not all people have an eidetic memory. That’s why if you don’t organize your daily schedule, there might be some important meetings you can miss—which can come with serious repercussions.

When creating a daily schedule, allocate a realistic time frame for each task. Other than business work, it is also vital to assign a period to do ‘nothing’. Packing your day with activities with no time for rest will take a toll on your health. As an entrepreneur, your greatest resource is your mental, physical, and emotional welfare.

Break Bigger Tasks Into Chunks

There could only be so much you can do in a day. When looking at your schedule, complicated tasks can cause stress—which can further delay your plans. By simplifying your tasks, you can tackle them in manageable pieces.

To break down tasks into chunks, you can start by looking at the big picture. Determine the result you are looking for. After that, analyze the steps you can take to reach your end product. Use your gift for logic in organizing the order that each task must be completed. After that, set a realistic timeline for each one.

Utilize The Prioritization And Delegation Matrix

Utilize The Prioritization And Delegation Matrix

As a leader, it’s not possible to do everything yourself. While you may be used to having a part in every business process, this method is not sustainable. By using the Prioritization And Delegation Matrix, you can divide your tasks into 4 types.

  • Must do: These are urgent tasks that require your attention unless you want to face serious problems.
  • Should do: This is similar to the ‘must do’ tasks, but can be delegated to other people.
  • Would do: While these require your focus, these can be delayed for a later time.
  • Could do: With low to moderate repercussions, you can delegate these tasks to another person.

Learn From Your Mistakes

Learn From Your Mistakes

No matter how perfect your schedule is, there will be factors outside your control that can delay your plans. Instead of being overwhelmed, take it as an important lesson to improve your business processes.

It is also noteworthy that instead of organizing time, it is more beneficial to see it as managing your energy. Don’t force yourself to go to work if you feel tired. Put a limit on your time and treat it as a premium resource. This way, you will nurture a work culture that values it.


Key Takeaway

For you to master time management as an entrepreneur, you need a lot of practice and discipline. Instead of being all over the place, stick to a daily schedule. Determine what you must do and what you can delegate. Trust that your workers will deliver on your expected results. If your first plan doesn’t work, you can always re-optimize your processes.

If you tried everything but nothing seems to work, you can send a message to Benito Keh. As an experienced entrepreneur, he can help you refocus your attention on the most important things. Send a message here for assistance on time management concerns.